Using Ca(NO3)2·4H2O, Mg(NO3)2·6H2O and Si(OC2H 5)4 as precursors, (Ca0.7Mg0.3)SiO3 powders were prepared by sol-gel method. The crystalline phase, microstructure, sintering characteristic and microwave dielectric properties of (Ca0.7 Mg0.3)SiO3 powders calcined at different temperatures were studied. The results show that the powders calcined at 800℃ are almost amorphous and a large amount of crystalline phases are occurred when the calcination temperature increases to 900℃. The dielectric ceramics made from amorphous powders or fine powders (calcined at 900℃) can’t achieve compact structure, and the sintering characteristic and microwave dielectric properties can be enhanced by increasing the size of grains. Using (Ca0.7 Mg0. 3)SiO3 powders with grain sizes of 50--100nm and 90--300nm as raw materials, the ceramics sintered at 1320℃ possess good microwave dielectric properties: ε=6.62, Q× f=36962GHz, τf=-48.32×10-6℃-1 and ε=6.71, Q× f=41842GHz, τf=-49.63×10-6℃-1, respectively.
WANG Huan-Ping
XU Shi-Qing
. Synthesis and Microwave Dielectric Properties of (Ca0.7Mg0.3)SiO3 Ceramic by Sol-Gel Process[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2008
, 23(4)
: 691
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2008.00691
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