Co-filled skutterudites CamSmnFexCo4-xSb 12 were prepared by melting method and spark plasma sintering (SPS) technique, and the effects of filling amount and fraction of Ca and Sm on the thermoelectric properties of these compounds were investigated. For p-type CamSmnFexCo4-xSb 12 , with the Ca and Sm co-filling amount increasing, the Seebeck coefficient increases, but the electrical conductivity and the thermal conductivity decrease. When the Ca and Sm co-filling amount is fixed, the electrical conductivity of skutterudites increases with increasing Ca filling fraction, the thermal conductivity decreases and the Seebeck coefficient increases with the increase of Sm filling fraction. At 775K, the highest figure of merit value of 0.85 is obtained for Ca0.15Sm0.24Fe1.51Co2.48Sb12.
LIU Tao-Xiang
TANG Xin-Feng
DENG Shu-Kang
ZHANG Qing-Jie
. Synthesis and Thermoelectric Properties of the Ca and Sm Co-filled Skutterudites[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2008
, 23(4)
: 710
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2008.00710
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