Research Paper

Synthesis, Structure and Property of New Intermetallic Compound: Ce5AgBi3

  • LU Yu-Ming ,
  • FANG-Feng ,
  • CAI Chuan-Bing ,
  • CAO Shi-Xun ,
  • ZHANG Jin-Cang
  • Department of Physics, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China

Received date: 2007-06-25

  Revised date: 2007-09-20

  Online published: 2008-05-20


The title new compound Ce5AgBi3 was synthesized by arc melting method followed by annealing. The crystal structure refined using Rietveld method and X-ray powder diffraction data shows that it is similar to Hf5CuSn3 with space group p63/mcm (No.193). The unit cell parameters are a=b=9.7163(3)A, c=6.6228(2)A and V=541.47(5)A3. The structure is characterized by layers of Ce-Bi net formed by Ce and Bi at 6g position. Ce at 4f position and Ag at 2d position are separated in those two different kinds of Ce-Bi hexagon tunnels along c axes, respectively. Magnetism and specific heat property of Ce5AgBi3 are measured using PPMS. Ce5AgBi3 is antiferromagnetism and complies with Curie-Weiss law above TN=3.8K. The calculated moment is 2.67μB, fitted well with μeff of Ce3+,which means that the magnetism of Ce5AgBi3 is mainly offered by Ce3+.

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LU Yu-Ming , FANG-Feng , CAI Chuan-Bing , CAO Shi-Xun , ZHANG Jin-Cang . Synthesis, Structure and Property of New Intermetallic Compound: Ce5AgBi3
[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2008
, 23(3) : 607 -610 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2008.00607


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