SiO/MWNTs anode was prepared by mixing SiO particles with Multi-Walled carbon nanotubes as conductive agent.
The galvanostatic charge-discharge cycling was used to investigate the effects of the type and contents of conducting agents on the electrochemical performances of SiO electrode. The results indicate that the electrochemical performance of SiO is improved obviously by adding MWNTs. The SiO/(20%)MWNTs composite anode shows an initial specific reversible capacity of 1463.9mAh·g-1, much higher than 582.3mAh·g-1 for SiO/(20%)AB. The results of SEM and EIS confirm that the excellent cycle performance is attribute to the perfect flexibility and good electric conductivity of MWNTs network, while SiO/AB has larger interparticle contact resistance, which is resulted from the crumbling and conduction network breakage.
LIU Su-Qin
. Effects of MWNTs on Electrochemical Performance of SiO Electrode[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2008
, 23(3)
: 578
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2008.00578
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