Polyborosilazane (PBSZ), a precursor to SiBNC ceramic, was synthesized via cocondensation approach using methyldichlorosilane (MeHSiCl2), boron trichloride (BCl3) and hexamethydisilazane (HMDZ) as starting materials. SiBNC ceramics were obtained by pyrolysing the as-synthesized PBSZ in N2 or NH3/N2 atmospheres. The chemical composition, structure and high temperature properties of the polymer and ceramics were investigated byusing EA, XPS, FTIR, NMR, and XRD. The results indicate that the backbone of PBSZ is -Si-N-B- linkage in the form of borazine and C is in the form of Si-CH3. The ceramic yield of the PBSZ pyrolysed at 1000℃ in N2 and NH3/N2 atmospheres is 63wt% and 61wt%, respectively. The products show excellent high temperature stability which are fully amorphous to 1700℃. Furthermore, only partial crystallization, giving a mixture of Si3N4, BN and SiC phases, is observed heating at 1850℃. The weight loss of SiBNC ceramics pyrolyzed in NH3/N2 and N2 atmospheres from 1500℃ to 1850℃ is about 10.0wt% and 3.8wt%, respectively. The N2 pyrolyzed products show better stability than the NH3/N2 pyrolyzed products and have less tendency to crystalline at higher temperature.
LI Xiao-Dong
LI Wen-Hua
. Synthesis of Polyborosilazane and Composition and Structure of the Pyrolyzed Products[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2008
, 23(3)
: 525
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2008.00525
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