Microarc oxidation (MAO) technique was applied for the formation of ceramic coating on titanium surfaces, and the modulating mechanism of sodium polyacrylate to crystal growth was studied by SEM, XRD and FT-IR in the biomineralization. Results show that the crystal size of HCA is reduced when specimen is bio-mineralized with the addition of sodium polyacrylate. Meanwhile, the morphology of crystal is changed and the density of mineralization layer is increased when sodium polyacrylate is applied.
WANG Ying-Jun
NAN Kai-Hui
CHEN Xiao-Feng
. Investigation on Modulation of Sodium Polyacrylate to Biomineralization of Titanium Implants[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2008
, 23(1)
: 141
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2008.00141
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