Well dispersed yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) nanopowders with mean particle size of about 50nm synthesized by modified co-precipitation method were used to sinter YAG transparent ceramics with 0.5wt% TEOS as sintering additive by two step sintering process. The samples were first heated to a higher temperature ranging from 1700℃ to 1800℃, then cooled down to a lower temperature ranging from 1500℃ to 1600℃, and held at the lower temperature for 10h. Grain-boundary migration is suppressed and grain-boundary diffusion is promoted during the two step sintering process. When the two step sintering temperatures are 1800℃ and 1550℃, the microstructure of YAG is homogeneous with average grain size of 6μm without abnormal grain growth and the transmittance of the specimen is 72.0%
CHEN Zhi-Hui
LI Jiang-Tao
HU Zhang-Gui
XU Jiu-Jun
. Fabrication of YAG Transparent Ceramics by Two Step Sintering Process[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2008
, 23(1)
: 130
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2008.00130
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