Effects of the main factors which control the slurry rheological behavior and green tape quality of the tape cast SOFC anode support, including ball-milling time, organic solvent type, dispersant addition, plasticizer/binder ratio (R), and defoaming process as well, were systematically investigated. It is found the mixed solvent of ethanol and xylene (1:1 volume ratio) has the optimized wetting capability on the used ceramic powders, improving the suspensibility of powders and the rheology of slurry; the viscosity of the slurry decreases with addition of the dispersant and reaches the minimum at 1.8wt% of dispersant concentration; ball-milling reduces the slurry viscosity which approaches its lower limit after 24h of milling; the slurry viscosity decreases sharply with increase of the R value, and a minimum is obtained at R=1, the rheological behavior of the slurry is significantly improved; deforming agent and vacuum with agitation are effective on air bubble elimination.
WU Hao
SHANG Shao-Bai
LI Wei
PU Jian
LI Jian
. SOFC Anode Support Green Tapes Prepared by Tape Casting Technique[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2008
, 23(1)
: 82
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2008.00082
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