Three dimensional and interconnective porous HA/PU scaffold material was prepared for tissue engineering by a gas foaming method, and its structure and composition were analyzed by XRD,IR. Glass transition temperature was measured by DSC curve. The micromorphology and pore size were observed and the pore sizes and distribution were calculated. The content of HA in PU/HA composite and mechanical performance were tested. The results indicate that porous HA/PU composite scaffold has good interconnectivity with typical pore sizes ranging from 100μm to 800μm. Its porosity can reach 78%--80%.When the content of HA in HA/PU composite is 30wt%, the mechanical strength of the HA/PU composite is 271kPa. The porous HA/PU scaffold has good elasticity which is a good potential material for soft bone repair scaffold.
DONG Zhi-Hong
LI Yu-Bao
. Preparation and Characterization of Porous HA/PU Scaffold Material for Soft Bone Repair[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2007
, 22(6)
: 1255
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2007.01255
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