Research Paper

Synthesis and Characterization of (Y,Bi)AG∶Eu3+ Red Phosphor by Coprecipitation Method

  • LI Xue-Ming ,
  • XIANG Xing ,
  • YANG Wen-Jing ,
  • LI Wu-Lin ,
  • KONG Ling-Feng
  • (College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China)

Received date: 2009-02-24

  Revised date: 2009-03-30

  Online published: 2009-09-20


Spherical-like (Y,Bi)AG∶Eu3+ red phosphor powders with good photoluminescence performance were synthesized by chemical coprecipitation method. By using DTA-TGA and XRD, both the thermal decomposition and phase formation of (Y,Bi)AG∶Eu3+ precursors were investigated in process of calcination. The crystal structures, surface morphology and luminescence properties of the phosphors with different Bi3+ contents were characterized by means of XRD, SEM and fluorescence spectrometer. The result shows that the pure YAG crystal phase is formed after calcination at 1000℃ or above. The photoluminescence intensity of YAG∶Eu3+ red phosphor strengthens with increasing Bi3+ content due to the sensitizing of Bi3+ to Eu3+,but decreases by excessive Bi3+ ions. When the Bi3+ content is 0.0010, the photoluminescence intensity reaches the highest. Addition of Bi3+ cannot change the crystal structure of YAG∶Eu3+ phosphor, which is garnet with a little different lattice parameter. The particles of (Y,Bi)AG∶Eu3+ red phosphor are spherical-like shapes, narrow size distributions with no aggregation.

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LI Xue-Ming , XIANG Xing , YANG Wen-Jing , LI Wu-Lin , KONG Ling-Feng . Synthesis and Characterization of (Y,Bi)AG∶Eu3+ Red Phosphor by Coprecipitation Method[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2009 , 24(5) : 1059 -1063 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2009.01059


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