Research Paper

Effect of ZrO2 from the Oxidation of ZrC on Ablation of ZrC Modified Carbon/Carbon Composites

  • SHEN Xue-Tao ,
  • LI Ke-Zhi ,
  • LI He-Jun ,
  • LAN Feng-Tao ,
  • FENG Tao
  • (C/C Composites Technology Research Center, National Key Laboratory of Thermostructure Composite Materials, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China)

Received date: 2008-12-18

  Revised date: 2009-03-16

  Online published: 2009-09-20


Zirconium-containing carbon fiber preform was prepared by ZrOCl2 aqueous solution impregnation. ZrC modified carbon/carbon (C/C) composites were obtained by a series of procedures combined with densification by thermal gradient chemical vapor infiltration (TCVI) and high-temperature graphitization. The ablation properties were tested in an oxyacetylene torch. The phase composition and morphology of the composites were investigated by XRD and SEM, respectively. Results show that, with increasing ablation times, the linear and mass ablation rates increase firstly and then decrease, remain constant finally when ZrO2 is not removed after each ablation. Meanwhile, the linear and mass ablation rates increase with the ablation time in case of removing ZrO2 after each ablation. The evaporation of ZrO2 will absorb heat and relieve erosion from oxyacetylene flame on the ablated surface of the specimen, and also accelerate the mass loss of the specimen, which leads to the decrease of the linear ablation rate and increase of mass ablation rate of the composites.

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SHEN Xue-Tao , LI Ke-Zhi , LI He-Jun , LAN Feng-Tao , FENG Tao . Effect of ZrO2 from the Oxidation of ZrC on Ablation of ZrC Modified Carbon/Carbon Composites[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2009 , 24(5) : 943 -947 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2009.00943


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