Domestic silica fiber reinforced minicomposites were fabricated by slurry infiltration (including silica sol, silica slurry and silicon nitride slurry). And their strength distributions were analyzed with two parameter Weibull distribution. Then the goodness of fit of the strength distribution was conducted by the Kolmogorov test. Meanwhile, the strength distributions of treated silica fibers were also studied. The results show that two parameter Weibull distribution can be used to express
the strength distribution of silica fiber and its minicomposites. It also suggests that the strength of the fiber decreases sharply after heat treatment, and the dispersity of the strength is increased. With the same heat treatment conditions, the strength of minicomposites infiltrated with silica sol is higher, and the Weibull modulus is also increased, while the
strength of minicomposites infiltrated by silica or silicon nitride slurry is lower.
HAN Gui-Fang
. Strength Distribution of Silica Fiber and Its Minicomposites[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2007
, 22(4)
: 701
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2007.00701
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