The doping effects of NiNb2O6, CaZrO3 and MnCO3 on the dielectric properties and breakdown voltages of fine grain BaTiO3 systems were studied. NiNb2O6 can shift the Curie temperature and broaden it, and makes contributions to double peaks; CaZrO3 may improve the temperature coefficiency characteristic greatly and enhance the withstand voltage; adding MnCO3 can restrain the overgrowth of particles, which can decease the dielectric dissipation and improve the withstand voltage greatly. With adding 2.5mol% NiNb2O6, 1.5mol% CaZrO3 and 0.1mol% MnCO3, a kind of MLC ceramic with low frequent and high voltage can be got, which also meets X8R requirement, and its dielectric properties are as follows: ε≥2600, Δ C/C 20℃≤±15% (-55℃-- +150℃), tgδ≤0.7%, Eb≥15kV/mm.
LI Ling-Xia
WANG Hong-Ru
. Dielectric Properties of High-voltage X8R Dielectric Material with Different Kinds of Dopants[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2007
, 22(4)
: 711
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2007.00711
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