MoSi2-SiC composite was successfully prepared by Si melt infiltration into Mo+C preforms. The crystal grain size of the resultant matrix is 150-600nm, and the size of SiC phase produced is 30-160nm which disperses homogeneously in the matrix. The strength of the composite is 214.8MPa, the toughness is 4.1MPa·m1/2, these mechanical properties are higher than that of single phase MoSi2. TEM results show lots of stacking faults, some dislocations, and twins existing in the composite.
JIN Zhi-Hao
FENG Yao-Rong
ZHAO Wen-Zhen
Lü Zhen-Lin
HUO Chun-Yong
. Preparation and Microstructure of Nano MoSi2-SiC Composite by Melt Infiltration Process[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2007
, 22(4)
: 690
DOI: 2007 DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1077.2007.00690
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