利用反应射频磁控溅射技术,通过对基体施加负偏压溅射ZnO薄膜,探讨了固定偏压下ZnO薄膜的表面形貌随沉积时间的演化以及不同偏压对ZnO薄膜表面形貌的影响. 研究结果表明,在-100V的偏压下,随着沉积时间的增加,ZnO薄膜的表面岛尺寸不断减小,密度逐渐变大. ZnO在基片表面成核过程中的本征缺陷成核阶段和轰击缺陷成核阶段的生长指数分别为(0.45±0.03)和(0.22±0.04),低速率成核过程基本消失;随着偏压增大,表面岛的尺寸变大,表面起伏增加. 偏压不但可以改变ZnO薄膜的成核和生长过程,而且影响薄膜的晶体取向.
Using reactive radiofrequency magnetron sputtering, ZnO films were deposited on Si (001) substrates with plused negative bias. The atomic force microscopy was used to study the morphological evolution of ZnO films. The nucleation and growth behavior of the films are quantitatively characterized with the dynamic scaling theory. It is found that the island density of ZnO films increases and the grain size decreases with the increase of deposition time. Compared with the film depositions without bias, the stage of low-rate nucleation disappears due to the application of plused negative bias. The growth exponents of the nativedefect nucleation and the ionbombardment defect nucleation are determined to be (0.45±0.03) and (0.22±0.04), respectively. With the voltage of plused negative bias increasing, the island sizes and the roughness increase and the preferred orientation of the films is changed.
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