具有高磁晶各向异性场的六角钡铁氧体(BaFe12O19, BaM)是毫米波器件中关键的旋磁材料.以片状纳米尺度六角钡铁氧体单畴颗粒为原料粉体,通过强磁场颗粒取向、加压成型、等静压处理以及微液相参与烧结等过程,成功制备得到了晶粒沿c轴取向度达99%的六角钡铁氧体准单晶材料,其磁性接近单晶铁酸钡,饱和磁化强度达到4654kA/m,矫顽场约为9.552kA/m,并对其织构化和致密化机理进行了分析与讨论.
Barium hexaferrite (BaFe12O19, BaM) with large uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy is a key gyromagnetic material for the millimeter wave device. BaM quasi-single crystal materials with a grain orientation degree(GOD) of 99% were successfully fabricated by using nanosized single-domain BaM crystallites as the starting materials via press-forming in magnetic filed and sintering with minor liquid participation. The as-fabricated BaM quasi-single crystals were characterized with the saturation magnetization of 4654kA/m, the coercity field of 9.552kA/m and their formation mechanism was also discussed.
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