以间苯二酚糠醛低聚物为炭前驱体,三嵌段共聚物F127为结构导向剂,通过悬浮辅助的蒸发诱导自组装乳化成球,高温炭化后得到有序中孔炭球. 考察了乳化剂用量和搅拌速度对有序中孔炭球的粒径和表面形貌影响,嵌段共聚物F127与间苯二酚摩尔比(F127/R)及间苯二酚糠醛反应时间对有序中孔炭球的微观结构影响. 结果表明:当乳化剂用量从0.1vol%增加到2.0vol%,有序中孔炭球的粒径从400μm减小到100μm;在乳化剂用量相同时,搅拌速度从100r/min增加到600r/min, 有序中孔炭球的粒径从341μm减小到60μm;当 F127/R的比值为0.008、0.015和0.025时,分别制得三维体心立方、二维六方和无序蠕虫结构的中孔炭球.
Ordered mesoporous carbon spheres (OMCs) were synthesized by suspensionassist evaporationinduced selfassembly of resorcinolfurfural oligomers and triblock copolymer F127. The effects of emulsifier concentration and stirring speed on the particle size and morphology of OMCs were investigated. The effects of F127/resoncinol ratio and reaction time of resorcinol with furfural on the mesostructure of OMCs were evaluated. It is found that the particle size can be controlled in the range from 60μm to 400μm by changing emulsifier concentration from 0.1vol% to 2.0vol% or stirring speed from 100r/min to 600r/min. The mesostructure of OMCs can be turned by varying the F127/resoncinol ratio or the reaction time of resorcinol with furfural. OMCs with 3-D body-centered cubic, 2-D hexagonal and wormlike mesostructures are obtained with the F127/resoncinol ratio of 0.008, 0.015 and 0.025, respectively.
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