以氢氧化钠和三氯化铁为原料,通过控制碱和铁盐的比例来制备铁的聚合物溶液,然后以十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)为模板剂制备了介孔氧化铁. 通过X射线粉末衍射、热重分析、红外光谱、氮气吸附脱附方法对不同焙烧温度下样品的晶体结构和表面结构进行表征. 结果显示,OH-/Fe3+摩尔比为2.0,焙烧温度为450℃时,样品完全转化为α-Fe2O3. 制备的介孔氧化铁有较大的表面积(146.5m2·g-1),BJH平均孔径为6.9nm,孔体积为0.27cm3·g-1. 所制备的介孔氧化铁有较好的热稳定性,经550℃高温焙烧表面积仍有110.2 m2·g-1.
Transition metal oxides are easy to form insoluble oligomer in reaction because of complicated oxidation states, so it is difficult to obtain the desired mesoporous structure. To resolve the problem, mesoporous iron oxide was synthesized by reacting a micellar phase of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) with iron polymer solution which was prepared by controlling the proportion of sodium hydroxide and ferric chloride. Crystal structure and surface structure of the mesoporous iron oxide was characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), thermogravimetric analyse(TGA), Nitrogen adsorptiondesorption method and so on. The results show that mesoporous α-Fe2O3 can be obtained after calcining at 450℃ with OH-/Fe3+ ratio of 2.0. Its surface area is 146.5m2·g-1, BJH average diameter is 6.9nm, pore volume is 0.27cm3·g-1. The asprepared mesoporous iron oxide has better thermal stability, it still has surface area of 110.2m2·g-1 after calcination at 550℃.
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