使用提拉法生长了高光学质量的SrWO4晶体,尺寸为22mm×40mm,重72.3g.测量了SrWO4 晶体的透过光谱,其短波截止边为263nm,长波截止边大于3200nm,因此可在较宽波长范围内实现拉曼频移.采用无腔的单次通过方式,在SrWO4晶体中实现了紫外光激发的受激拉曼散射.当抽运光为355nm皮秒激光脉冲时获得了3级斯托克斯谱线(366.44、379.25、392.98nm),其中一级斯托克斯线的抽运阈值仅为169.76MW/cm2,相应的拉曼增益高达49.09cm/GW.实验表明,SrWO4具有透光波段宽、抗光损伤能力强、拉曼阈值低、增益系数大等优点,在紫外激光的拉曼变频方面表现出良好应用前景.
SrWO4 crystal with high optical quality was grown by Czochralski pulling method. The crystal sizes reached 22mm×40mm, and the weight was 72.3g. The transmittance range of SrWO4 crystal was measured to be 263-3200nm. By the singlepass configuration, ultraviolet stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) of SrWO4 crystal was realized. When the pump source was a 355nm picoseconds laser, three Stokes lines (366.44, 379.25, 392.98nm)were obtained. The pump threshold of the first Stokes line was only 169.76MW/cm2, and the corresponding Raman gain was 49.09cm/GW. The results show that SrWO4 crystal possesses many advantages such as wide transmittance spectrum, high optical damage threshold, low Raman pump threshold, and large gain coefficient, so the material will have good applications in Raman frequency shifting of ultra-violet laser.
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