以水合氧化钛溶胶为起始反应物,在其中加入活性炭、柠檬酸和锂盐,干燥后在800℃热处理12h,制得具有尖晶石结构的新型准纳米晶Li4Ti5O12. 电化学测试表明,该材料的首次嵌脱锂效率可达99.3%,85mA/g电流条件下的可逆嵌锂容量为152.3mAh/g,嵌脱锂平台稳定. 将其制成嵌锂电极后与活性炭电极构成Li4Ti5O12/AC电化学混合电容器. 充放电测试表明,在该混合电容器中,Li4Ti5O12电极在85mA/g电流条件的比电容量为96.4mAh/g,电容器充放电效率达96.5%.
A novel pseudonanocrystalline Li4Ti5O12 spinel was prepared using hydration titanium dioxide as starting materials. Hydration titanium dioxide added with activated carbon, citric acid and lithium salt was heattreated at 800℃ in air for 12h after desiccation. The spinel shows a good lithiation performance. Its reversible capacity is more than 152.3mAh/g at current density of 85mA/g, the first chargedischarge efficiency is 99.3% and its chargedischarge potential is flat and steady. Then, the Li4Ti5O12/AC hybrid capacitors using Li4Ti5O12 as the anode and activated carbon as the cathode is assembled. Electrochemical tests show that at current density of 85mA/g, the specific capacity of Li4Ti5O12 electrode is 96.4mAh/g and the efficiency of hybrid capacitor is 96.5%.
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