通过水热法制备了前驱体γ-AlOOH的一维纳米结构,考察了工艺参数对结构的影响. 研究结果表明,当AlCl3溶液浓度小于0.2mol/L,反应溶液pH<7,反应温度控制在160~180℃时,可以得到γ-AlOOH纳米棒,而当pH>7时,样品呈片状;当AlCl3浓度大于0.2mol/L,pH控制在5~6,反应温度控制在200℃左右,并加入表面活性剂SDBS,可以制备大长径比γ-AlOOH纳米纤维.
One-dimensional nanostructure γ-AlOOH was fabricated via hydrothermal synthesis. And the effects of the processing parameters on structure of γ-AlOOH were investigated. The results show that γ-AlOOH nanorod can be achieved on the condition that AlCl3 density is lower than 0.2mol/L, pH value of reacting solution is lower than 7, and reacting temperature is set between 160℃ and 180℃; when pH value is higher than 7, γ-AlOOH is in the shape of nanoflake. Nanofiber with high slenderness ratio can be achieved on the condition that AlCl3 density is higher than 0.2mol/L, pH value is controlled between 5 and 6, and reacting temperature is set around 200℃ with adding surfactant SDBS.
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