首先制备出纳米二氧化钛水分散液, 然后通过蒸馏的方法, 把纳米二氧化钛粒子由水分散液转移到溶有硬脂酸的甲苯溶液中, 以确保纳米二氧化钛在有机相中进行表面修饰. 然后升温到不同的温度, 利用硬脂酸对纳米二氧化钛进行有机表面修饰, 研究了有机表面修饰温度对纳米二氧化钛微结构的影响. 采用红外光谱(FTIR)、X 射线光电子能谱(XPS)、热分析(TGDTG)、X 射线粉末衍射(XRD)和透射电镜(TEM)等对有机表面修饰前后的纳米二氧化钛进行分析表征. 结果表明, 硬脂酸与纳米二氧化钛表面之间存在双齿配位方式的化学键作用, 硬脂酸在纳米二氧化钛表面形成了均匀的单分子化学修饰层. 随着表面修饰温度的升高, 纳米二氧化钛的晶粒逐渐长大, 硬脂酸在纳米二氧化钛表面的化学包覆量逐渐下降, 硬脂酸分子间排列更加紧密, 硬脂酸包覆层由1nm变为2~3nm. 表面修饰温度对硬脂酸与纳米二氧化钛表面的结合方式影响不大.
Nanoscale titania aqueous dispersion was prepared firstly, and then nanotitania particles was transfered into methylbenzene in which stearic acid was dissolved from water by distillation so that the surface modification was carried out in organic system. Nanoscale titania was modified with stearic acid at different temperatures.The samples were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectra (FTIR), X-ray photoelectron spectroscope (XPS), thermogravimetry(TG), derivative thermogravimetry (DTG) and transmission electron microscopye(TEM). The results show that stearic acid is bound on the surface of nanoscale titania by bidentate structure, and even monolayer coverage is obtained. With modification temperature increasing, the crystallite size of nanoscale titania increase, the mass fraction of chemisorbed stearic acid on the surface of nanoscale titania decrease, and the thickness of stearic acid layer changes from 1nm to 2-3nm.The modification temperature has little effect on interactions between stearic acid and titania.
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