利用结构功能区思想的导电功能区和透光功能区,提出了层状p型Cu/Q透明导体的设计模型. LaCuOTe和Sr3Cu2Sc2O5S2因结构层[Cu2Te2]和[Cu2S2]对应导电功能区、[La2O2]和[Sr3Sc2O5]对应透光功能区,符合模型设计思想,是兼具高导电性和高透光性的透明导体,光谱和电导等验证了模型设计p型透明导体的可行性和正确性. 从功能区角度,改变LaCuOS中导电功能层([Cu2S2]→[Cu2Te2])可显著提高材料导电性(10-3S/cm→100S/cm);替换LaCuOTe中透光功能层([La2O2]→[Sr3Sc2O5])能可控改善材料透光性(2.3eV→3.1eV).
Based on functional buildingblock with conducting slabs and transparent slabs, a new model was proposed in designing ptype Cubased chalcogenides, i.e.transparent conducting materials (TCMs) with layered structure. Under the guidance of the model, LaCuOTe and Sr3Cu2Sc2O5S2 are selected and studied as TCMs, taking into consideration of their layered structure from [Cu2Te2]/[Cu2S2] conducting slabs and [La2O2]/[Sr3Sc2O5] transparent slabs. The optical and transport properties of two compounds verify the validity and feasibility of the model in designing and finding novel TCMs. The two compounds show high conductivity of 1.65-2.9S·cm-1 and considerable wide bandgap of 2.3-3.1eV, indicating considerable high conductivity and high transparency.
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