Nanocrystal and bulk Y2Zr2O7∶Eu3+ were prepared by combustion synthesis and solidstate reaction, respectively. By using X-ray diffraction (XRD), high resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) and fluorescence spectrometer, the structural, morphological and temperature dependent spectroscopic properties of Y2Zr2O7∶Eu3+ were investigated. The results show that the main emission peaks of Y2Zr2O7∶Eu3+ nanocrystal are at 606nm and 628nm, which is attributed to 5D0→7F2 transition of Eu3+, the ratio of the intensity of 606nm and 590nm in Y2Zr2O7∶Eu3+ nanocrystal increases 60% than that in bulk Y2Zr2O7∶Eu3+, and all the intensities of 5D0→7FJ(J=1,2,3,4) transitions change evidently with decreasing temperature. In addition, the fluorescence spectra of the Y2Zr2O7∶Eu3+ nanoparticles which surface were treated by steeping in hydrochloric acid show that the ratio of the intensity of 606nm and 590nm in surface treated Y2Zr2O7∶Eu3+ nanoparticles decreases 15% than that in surface untreated Y2Zr2O7∶Eu3+ nanoparticles. A qualitative explanation and discussion on the above results is presented on base of surface effect and local structural environment of Eu3+ ions.
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