水相以巯基乙酸和半胱氨酸为混合稳定剂合成了光谱可调的CdTe纳米棒, 具有双波长发射纳米棒被用作铜离子荧光探针. 铜离子加入后, 纳米棒645nm处的缺陷发射显著减弱,535nm处的激子发射未见变化. 在弱碱性条件下,纳米棒缺陷发射强度与铜离子的浓度成良好线性相关,响应区间为 0~2.8×10-6 mol/L,检测下限为4.0×10-9mol/L. 本文初步探讨了铜离子与CdTe纳米棒之间的作用机理.
Opticaltunable CdTe nanorods were synthesized in aqueous solution using thioglycoclic acid and L-cysteine as co-stabilizing reagents. CdTe nanorods with dualwavelength emission was appreciated as a novel fluorescent probe for copper ions. Copper ions display a significant quenching effect on the nanorods trap emission at 645nm and no effect on band-edge emission at 535nm. In a slight basic medium, the surface trap emission intensity of nanorods is proportional to the concentration of Cu2+ ion in the range from 0 to 2.8×10-6mol/L, and the corresponding limit of detection is 4.0×10-9mol/L. The mechanism of reaction between CdTe nanorods and Cu2+ ions are discussed in further.
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