选用58S生物活性玻璃粉体为原料,利用预先处理过的聚氨酯泡沫作为模板,制备了一种孔隙率高, 贯通性好,孔径可控的生物玻璃多孔支架. 并通过排水法、X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)及傅里叶红外光谱(FTIR)等方法研究和表征了多孔支架的显气孔率、晶相组成、显微形貌和生物活性. 结果表明,浸料一次所得支架的显气孔率为93%左右,浸料二次下降为80%左右;在SBF溶液中,随着时间的延长,材料表面最初形成的颗粒状钙磷化合物逐渐矿化生成叶片状碳酸羟基磷灰石(HCA)层,表明该材料恒温37℃时具有较好的生物矿化性能和生物活性.
The porous bioglass scaffolds with high porosity and interconnectivity and controllable pore size were prepared by using the powder of sol-gel derived bioactive glass-58S as the material and the pre-produced polymer foam as the template. The apparent porosity, crystalline phases, micromorphologies and bioactivity were investigated by using Archimedes drainage method, X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Scan emission Microscope (SEM) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscope (FTIR) techniques. The results show that the apparent porosity of the porous scaffolds can reach about 93% when the materials are dipped once, while the apparent porosity decreases to 80% after dipped twice. The originally formed amorphousphosphorus compounds on the surface of samples are mineralized to hydroxyl-carbonate-apatite (HCA) with increasing dipping time in the SBF solution as the reaction progressed. So it can be concluded that this kind of material has good biomineralization property and bioactivity in SBF solution at the constant temperature of 37℃.
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