采用热压烧结法制备了致密的短切碳纤维增强碳化硅 (Csf/SiC) 复合材料.借助热重分析、XRD、SEM等手段对该材料等温氧化性能进行了研究.研究结果表明,该复合材料在900℃氧化时失重最为严重;之后,随着氧化温度升高,失重率逐渐减少;在1450℃以上则表现为增重.复合材料在低于900℃氧化时,主要是由于碳纤维氧化造成的失重;在900~1450℃氧化区间,复合材料表面的短切碳纤维被氧化,基体生成保护性的氧化膜,材料内部的短切碳纤维受到基体和氧化膜的有效保护,能够继续发挥增韧作用.因此,Csf/SiC复合材料在此温度范围内具有良好的抗氧化能力;当复合材料在1600℃氧化时,氧化反应剧烈,材料破坏严重,失去了抗氧化能力.
Short carbon fiber reinforced SiC (Csf/SiC) composite was prepared by hotpressing method. XRD, SEM and isothermal oxidation test were used to study the isothermal oxidation property of Csf/SiC composite. The results show that the oxidation weight loss of the composite is the most at 900℃. The weight loss decreases with the oxidation temperatures rising. Below 900℃, the oxidation weight loss of the composites is caused by the carbon fibers oxidation. Above 1450℃, the composites gain weight. Between 900-1450℃, short carbon fibers on the composite surface are oxidized and the SiC matrix forms a protecting film. The inner short carbon fibers still have the strengthen effect for the oxidation layer and matrix protecting them from oxidation, and the composites have good self-resistance oxidation property. When the composites oxide at 1600℃, the composite surface is destroyed badly and lose the resistance oxidation capacity.
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