

  • 娄载亮 ,
  • 李群艳 ,
  • 王志宏 ,
  • 韦 奇 ,
  • 聂祚仁
  • 北京工业大学 材料科学与工程学院, 北京 100022

收稿日期: 2008-06-10

  修回日期: 2008-08-28

  网络出版日期: 2009-03-20

Preparation and Characterization of α-Ni(OH)2/SiO2 Submicrosphere
and α-Ni(OH)2 Hollow Submicrosphere

  • LOU Zai-Liang ,
  • LI Qun-Yan ,
  • WANG Zhi-Hong ,
  • WEI Qi ,
  • NIE Zuo-Ren
  • College of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100022, China

Received date: 2008-06-10

  Revised date: 2008-08-28

  Online published: 2009-03-20




娄载亮 , 李群艳 , 王志宏 , 韦 奇 , 聂祚仁 . α-Ni(OH)2/SiO2核壳以及α-Ni(OH)2空心微球的制备及表征[J]. 无机材料学报, 2009 , 24(2) : 345 -348 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2009.00345


The nearly monodisperse SiO2 submicrospheres with uniform size (270nm) were prepared by the hydrolysis of TEOS. Then the SiO2 submicrospheres were coated with α-Ni(OH)2 nanoflakes by a new solution growth method. The Ni(OH)2 nanoflakes were synthesized by a solution process using hydrofluoric acid solution as nickel ion ligand to form nickel-fluoro complex, NH3 aqueous solution as OH- supplier and also supplemental nickel ion ligand. The coating thickness is increased with coating times. It is only 35nm for coating once. After coating three times, the coating thickness is increased to about 100nm. The α-Ni(OH)2 hollow submicrospheres are obtained after subsequent removal of the core particles by NaOH solution(20wt%) at 40℃ for 24h. BET calculation shows that the surface area of the Ni(OH)2 hollow spheres is 141.06m2/g.


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