采用喷雾干燥-碳热还原法制备了Li3V2(PO4)3/C正极材料.考察了不同喷雾条件对产物组成及电化学性能的影响.通过XRD、SEM、TEM和电化学性能测试方法等进行了表征.结果表明:通过二次喷雾干燥制备的前驱体,经过750℃热处理12h制得了平均粒径小于0.5μm 的Li3V2(PO4)3/C复合材料.在室温下,C/5、1C和5C倍率的放电比容量分别为121.9、114.6和104.6mAh·g-1,50次循环后,容量保持率均接近100%,几乎无衰减,具有优异的循环稳定性和容量保持率.
Li-ion battery cathode material Li3V2(PO4)3/C composite was successfully prepared by spray drying and carbothermal method(SDCTM). The effect of spray drying was carefully studied. The structural, morphological and electrochemical properties were investigated by means of XRD, SEM, TEM and constant current chargedischarge cycling. The results indicate that the sample prepared with spray drying twice at 260℃ and subsequent heat-treating at 750℃ for 12h has better performance. Its average particle size is under 0.5μm.It presents large reversible discharge capacity of 121.9, 114.6 and 104.6mAh·g-1 and excellent capacity retention rate closed to 100% after 50 cycles at C/5, 1C and 5C rate, respectively at the room temperature.
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