

  • 崔志中 ,
  • 李涤尘 ,
  • 乔冠军 ,
  • 李济顺
  • 1. 西安交通大学机械制造系统工程国家重点实验室, 西安 710049;
    2. 西安交通大学金属材料强度国家重点实验室, 西安 710049;
    3. 河南科技大学机电学院, 洛阳 471003

收稿日期: 2005-09-06

  修回日期: 2005-10-24

  网络出版日期: 2006-07-20

Peparation of Porous Carbon Template with Controllable Channels by Phenolic Resin Pyrolyzing

  • CUI Zhi-Zhong ,
  • LI Di-Chen ,
  • QIAO Guan-Jun ,
  • LI Ji-Shun
  • 1. The State Key Lab for Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China;
    2. The State Key Lab for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China;
    3. School of Mechatronics Engineering, Henan University of Science
    and Technology, Luoyang 471003, China

Received date: 2005-09-06

  Revised date: 2005-10-24

  Online published: 2006-07-20


利用光固化快速成型技术, 设计制作了有网格孔道结构的制件阴模, 制成了孔道结构可控的多孔碳支架. 用TGA研究了光固化树脂、酚醛树脂和淀粉的热分解行为; 用XRD、FTIR和SEM技术研究了碳支架的物相组成和微观结构; 用Archimedes法测定了热解碳的显气孔率和密度. 结果表明: 碳支架为非结晶性物质, 呈无定形乱层石墨结构, 随碳化温度的升高石墨化程度提高; 碳支架中仍含有微量的C-H键; 碳支架中的气孔相包括孔道、大孔(d=10~50μm)和微孔(d=1~3μm); 构造的孔道有利于避免碳支架的破裂.


崔志中 , 李涤尘 , 乔冠军 , 李济顺 . 孔道可控的酚醛树脂多孔碳支架的制备研究[J]. 无机材料学报, 2006 , 21(4) : 848 -854 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2006.00848


Porous carbon templates were prepared by pyrolysis of samples. The samples were fabricated by filling mixture of phenolic resin and corn starch into negative molds with network structure manufactured by stereolithography. The network structure generated the channels in pyrolysis process. Thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) was applied to reveal the pyrolysis behaviors of photo-curable resin, phenolic resin and corn starch. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscope (FTIR) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) were employed to characterize and analyze the phase identification and microstructures of the carbon templates. Open porosity and density of the carbon templates were measured by Archimedes principle. The results show that the carbon template is noncrystalline materials. It is in partly graphitized amorphous state, and has a turbostratic structure, and contains minim C-H bonds. With increasing carbonization temperature, the graphitization advances. The pore phase includes channels, macro-pores(d=10~50μm) and micro-pores(d=1~3μm). The channels could prevent the carbon templates from breaking and cracking.


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