

  • 邓 元 ,
  • 李 娜 ,
  • 王 瑶 ,
  • 杨 萌
  • (特种功能材料与薄膜技术北京市重点实验室, 北京航空航天大学 化学与环境学院, 北京 100191)

收稿日期: 2009-10-14

  修回日期: 2009-12-10

  网络出版日期: 2010-05-12

In-situ Fabrication of Bi2Te3-Te Sheet-rods Using Te Nanowires as Template

  • DENG Yuan ,
  • LI Na ,
  • WANG Yao ,
  • YANG Meng
  • (Beijing Key Laboratory for Advanced Functional Materials and Thin Film Technology, School of Chemistry and Environment, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China)

Received date: 2009-10-14

  Revised date: 2009-12-10

  Online published: 2010-05-12

Supported by

National Technology Research and Development Program (863,2009AA03Z322); National Natural Science Foundation of China (50772005); Beijing Science and Technology Thematic Program (Z08000303220808)


以碲纳米线为模板,采用简便的回流法大规模合成了Bi2Te3-Te片式棒一维材料, 产量达到90%. 利用X射线衍射、扫描电镜、X射线能谱、透射电镜对样品进行了分析. 系统的研究了KOH、EDTA以及反应时间对产物结构的影响, 提出了这种异质结构的形成机制. 本制备方法可以推广到合成其它金属和半导体的一维特殊纳米结构.


邓 元 , 李 娜 , 王 瑶 , 杨 萌 . Te纳米线模板法加工Bi2Te3-Te片式棒热电材料[J]. 无机材料学报, 2010 , 25(6) : 664 -668 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2010.00664


One-dimensional semiconductor materials Bi2Te3-Te nanocomposites, with a sheet-rod nanostructure can be fabrication on a large scale using Te nanowires as the in-situ template under a simple reflux process, and the yield is high up to 90%. The product was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscope (EDS) and transmission electron microscope (TEM). It is a promising way to fabricate one-dimensional nanocrystals of other metals and semiconductors. The influence of KOH, EDTA and reaction time are discussed. The formation mechanism of such a heterostructure is also proposed.


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