利用磁控溅射方法在不锈钢表面沉积了Cu-Zn掺杂TiN复合膜, 研究不同的Cu、Zn含量对膜层结构和性能(硬度、耐磨性能以及耐腐蚀性能)的影响. 结果表明, 掺杂的Cu、Zn可以阻止TiN晶粒生长, 随掺杂量增加TiN晶粒细化, Cu、Zn含量比较高时由于金属相长大而使膜层组织粗化. 当Cu≤10.38at%, Zn≤2.19at%时, TiN以(111)晶向择优生长, 且随掺杂量增加TiN(200)晶向逐渐增强. XPS结果表明膜层主要由TiN和单质Cu组成. 当掺杂Cu为10.38at%、Zn为2.19at%时,复合膜具有较高的硬度和较好的耐磨性能. 尽管耐腐蚀性能随着Cu、Zn含量的增加而下降, 但少量的Cu-Zn掺杂可显著提高膜层钝化能力.
Cu-Zn doped TiN films were fabricated on stainless steel by hybrid magnetron sputtering. Influences of Cu and Zn concentration on structure and properties (such as microhardness, wear resistance and corrosion resistance) of the films were investigated. The results indicate that growth of TiN grains is blocked by doped Cu and Zn and TiN grain size decreases with increasing Cu and Zn concentration. In contrast, high Cu and Zn content induces coarse structure due to the growth of copper grains. With Cu≤10.38at% and Zn≤2.19at%, the films show a preferred TiN(111) texture orientation, and TiN(200) orientation enhances with increasing the doped element content. XPS results show that the films are mainly composed of TiN and pure Cu. The composite film with co-doping 10.38at% Cu and 2.19at% Zn exhibits higher microhardness and wear resistance. The passivation potential is substantially improved with small amount of Cu-Zn although the corrosion resistance of the films decreases with increasing Cu and Zn concentration.
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