

  • 刘学建 ,
  • 李会利 ,
  • 黄政仁 ,
  • 王士维 ,
  • 江东亮
  • (1. 中国科学院 上海硅酸盐研究所, 上海 200050; 2. 华东师范大学 纳光电集成与先进装备教育部工程研究中心, 上海 200062)

收稿日期: 2009-03-02

  修回日期: 2009-04-24

  网络出版日期: 2010-04-22

Preparation of Aluminum Oxynitride Powders by Solid-State Reaction

  • LIU Xue-Jian ,
  • LI Hui-Li ,
  • HUANG Zheng-Ren ,
  • WANG Shi-Wei ,
  • JIANG Dong-Liang
  • (1. Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050, China; 2. Engineering Research Center for Nanophotonics & Advanced Instrument, Ministry of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China)

Received date: 2009-03-02

  Revised date: 2009-04-24

  Online published: 2010-04-22


以Al2O3和AlN为原料, 在氮气气氛下通过高温固相反应工艺合成氮氧化铝(AlON)粉体, 借助XRD分析系统研究了反应温度、保温时间及原料配比等工艺参数对反应产物相组成的影响并探讨了反应机理. 研究结果表明:该反应主要受热力学控制, 动力学因素也具有重要作用, 反应温度和保温时间对AlON粉体的合成均具有重要影响. 在相对较低的反应温度下, 通过AlN固溶进入Al2O3晶格形成富氧(O-rich)的AlON相; 在相对较高的反应温度下, 产物中少量残余的AlN通过进一步扩散固溶进入O-rich-AlON晶格形成富氮(N-rich)的AlON相(N-rich-AlON); 在1950℃时, 合成单相的AlON粉体.


刘学建 , 李会利 , 黄政仁 , 王士维 , 江东亮 . 高温固相反应工艺制备AlON粉体[J]. 无机材料学报, 2009 , 24(6) : 1159 -1162 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2009.01159


Aluminum oxynitride (AlON) powders were prepared by solid-state reaction processing with α-Al2O3 and AlN as starting materials in nitrogen atmosphere. The effects of reactive temperature, holding time, and Al2O3/AlN ratio on the resultant phase compositions were investigated systematically by XRD. In addition, the reactive mechanism was tentatively explored. The experimental results indicate that the solid-state reaction for AlON is mostly controlled by thermodynamics and the dynamic factors are also important to the reaction. The reaction can not be thoroughly processed neither only by prolonging holding time at lower reactive temperature nor only by increasing reactive temperature in a shorter holding time. Both reactive temperature and holding time are crucial to the reactive progress. By diffusing AlN into Al2O3 lattice, O-riched AlON formations begin between 1600℃ and 1650℃, and finish at about 1750℃. Above 1800℃, O-riched AlON converts into Nriched AlON by further diffusing remnant AlN into Al2O3 lattice. Pure AlON is prepared by the solidstate reaction of Al2O3 and AlN at 1950℃ in nitrogen atmosphere for 4h.


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