采用液相共沉淀方法合成了不同镉摩尔含量XCd(即: Cd/(Ca+Cd))的镉羟基磷灰石. 通过XRD, FT-IR, FE-SEM, TG-DTG-DSC-MS和TCLP对产物的组成、形貌、热稳定性及化学稳定性进行了探讨. 结果表明, 随着XCd的增加, Cd2+进入到羟基磷灰石的晶格中依次形成Ca3.9(Ca4.7Cd0.7)(PO4)6(OH)1.8, Ca3.8(Ca4.1Cd0.73)(PO4_6(OH)1.8, Ca3.6(Ca4.5Cd0.76)(PO4)6(OH)1.6和Cd5(PO4)3OH;
这些产物在500℃以下均可稳定存在, 且热稳定性随着XCd的增加明显提高; 毒性浸出结果显示, Cd2+能够进入到羟基磷灰石的晶格中, 但产物的化学稳定性不高.
Calcium cadmium hydroxyapatites with various Cd doping (Cd/(Cd+Ca))were synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction, FT-IR spectroscope and FESEM. TG-DTG-DSC-MS and Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) were used to determine their thermal and chemical stability. The results show that Cd2+ enters into the hydroxyapatites crystal lattice. And
with molar ratios of Cd/(Cd+Ca) increasing, there forms the phases of Ca3.9(Ca4.7Cd0.7)(PO4)6(OH)1.8, Ca{3.8(Ca4.1Cd0.73)(PO4)6(OH)1.8, Ca3.6(Ca4.5Cd0.76)(PO4)6(OH)1.6, Cd5(PO4)3OH, respectively. All the calcium cadmium hydroxyapatites are thermal stable up to 500℃, and their thermal stabilities are enhanced with the increase
of Cd doping, but their chemical stabilities become worse.
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