

  • 张志萍 ,
  • 刘红飞 ,
  • 程晓农
  • 江苏大学材料科学与工程学院, 镇江 212013

收稿日期: 2007-11-28

  修回日期: 2008-01-14

  网络出版日期: 2008-09-20

Study on the Technology of ZrO2-ZrW2O8 Composites Prepared by Co-precipitation Method

  • ZHANG Zhi-Ping ,
  • LIU Hong-Fei ,
  • CHENG Xiao-Nong
  • School of Materials Science and Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China

Received date: 2007-11-28

  Revised date: 2008-01-14

  Online published: 2008-09-20


以硝酸氧锆[ZrO(NO3)2·5H2O]和钨酸铵(H40N10O41W12·xH2O)为原料,采用共沉淀法合成了低热膨胀的ZrO2-ZrW2O8复合陶瓷, 着重研究了不同热处理条件对前驱体转变为ZrO2-ZrW2O8复合陶瓷的影响, 并探讨了前驱体生成及其转变的反应历程. 通过X射线衍射仪(XRD)、热重-差示扫描量热(TG-DSC)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、热膨胀仪等分析手段对样品的晶体结构、物相转变、断面微观形貌和热膨胀性能进行表征. 结果表明: 采用共沉淀法制备的前驱体在1150℃热处理2h可以合成高纯度、混合均匀的ZrO2-ZrW2O8复合陶瓷; 随烧结时间的延长, ZrW2O8衍射峰半高宽逐渐减小, 晶粒在不断长大; ZrO2-50wt%ZrW2O8复合陶瓷在30~600℃内的平均热膨胀系数为-3.2295×10-6K-1.


张志萍 , 刘红飞 , 程晓农 . 共沉淀法合成ZrO2-ZrW2O8复合材料的工艺研究[J]. 无机材料学报, 2008 , 23(5) : 991 -995 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2008.00991


A low-thermal-expansion ceramic composite of ZrO2-ZrW2O8 was synthesized by co-precipitation route using analytically pure zirconium nitrate [ZrO(NO3)2·5H2O] and ammonium tungstate(H40N10O41W12·xH2O) as starting materials. Effects of heat-treatment on the transformation from the precursor to ZrO2-ZrW2O8 composite were investigated, and the chemical reaction process of the precursor was explored. The crystal structure, phase transition, cross-section morphology and thermal expansion coefficient of the samples were investigated by X-ray diffraction(XRD), thermogravimetric and differential scanning calorimetry(TG-DSC), scanning electron microscope(SEM) and dilatometry respectively. The results show that the homogeneous ZrO2-ZrW2O8 composites are synthesized after sintering at 1150℃ for 2h. With the increase of sintering time, the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the ZrW2O8 diffraction peaks decreases, and the grain grows up gradually. ZrO2-50wt%ZrW2O8 composite has an average thermal expansion coefficient of -3.2295×10-6K-1 from 30℃ to 600℃.


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