采用溶胶-凝胶法制备了1mol%、3mol%、5mol%、8mol% Ho3+掺杂的Ba0.65Sr0.35 TiO3薄膜, 研究了薄膜的表面AFM、XRD谱、光学透射谱和光致发光谱. 结果表明: Ho3+浓度从1mol%增加到8mol%时, BST薄膜的晶格常数先增大后减小; 位于615、650和750nm处的发光, 分别对应5F3→5F7、5F5→5F8和5S2、5F4→5F 的跃迁, 发光谱和5S2, 5F4的寿命谱分析表明, 在Ho3+浓度为3mol%时三个发光带强度均最大. 并分析了Ho3+与Ba2+/Sr2+/Ti4+的离子位置替代机制及交叉弛豫机制.
Barium-strontium titanate (Ba0.65Sr0.35TiO3) films doped with Ho3+(1mol%, 3mol%, 5mol%, 8mol%) were prepared by the sol-gel technique. The AFM, XRD, UV-Vis spectra and photoluminescence (PL) spectra of BST films were investigated. Results show that the lattice parameters of BST films increase when Ho3+ dopant increases from 1mol% to 3mol% then decrease with Ho3+ dopant from 3mol% to 8mol%. The lights centered at about 615, 650 and 750nm are corresponding to the transitions of 5F3→5F7, 5F5→5F8 and 5S2, 5F4→5F7, respectively. The lifetime spectra of 5S2, 5F4 and three PL spectra above indicate that the luminescence intensity reach the maximum in 3mol% Ho3+ -doped BST films. The optimized Ho3+ dopant in BST films is 3mol%. The crossing relaxation mechanisms and site-substituting between H 3+ and Ba2+/Sr2+/Ti4+ are analyzed.
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