研究了共沉淀法制备Eu3+掺杂氧化镥(Lu2O3)发光粉体过程中三种不同的沉淀剂(氨水、碳酸氢铵以及NH3·H2O+NH4HCO3两者的混合溶液)对所得粉体形貌的影响. 通过差热热重质谱联用(DTA-TG-MS)和红外光谱研究了不同沉淀剂所得沉淀前驱体的热分解行为, 结合显微结构观察、粒度分布和比表面积测试, 对三种沉淀剂影响Lu2O3晶粒尺寸和团聚状态的规律进行了探讨. 研究发现: 采用NH3·H2O+NH4HCO3混合沉淀剂得到的Lu2O3粉体具有最佳的显微结构和粒径分布状态, 沉淀前驱体经1000℃煅烧2h, 粉体的平均晶粒尺寸为35nm, 中位粒径(D50)为0.48μm.
Eu3+-doped Lu2O3 phosphor nanopowders were synthesized by co-precipitation process with NH3·H2O, NH4HCO3 and the mixed solution of NH3·H2O and NH4HCO3 as the precipitants, respectively. Effects of precipitants on microstructures and properties of obtained Lu2O3 phosphor were investigated on study of decomposition behavior of precipitate precursor by means of DTA-TG-MS and FTIR spectra. The morphologies and particle size distributions of obtained Lu2O3 phosphors were characterized. It is found that powders from the mixed precipitant method exhibits best microstructural morphology with weak agglomeration state and particle size distribution. After being calcined at 1000℃ for 2h, the average crystalline size of Lu2O3 reaches 35nm with medium particle size (D50) of 0.48μm.
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