利用ZrO2-B2O3-C体系中碳热还原的基本原理, 分别采用氧氯化锆、硼酸和酚醛树脂作为ZrO2, B2O3和C的来源, 利用溶胶-凝胶法制备出超细ZrB2-ZrC复合粉体. 采用热分析仪, X射线衍射和透射电镜对前驱粉体煅烧中的热力学过程, 复合粉体的物相以及粒径和形貌进行了分析和表征. 结果表明, ZrB2、ZrC相在1300℃开始生成, 1500℃煅烧1h后碳热还原反应基本完成. 复合粉体的平均粒径在200nm左右, 比表面积达87m2·g-1, 加入1.0wt%的聚乙二醇作为分散剂时, 粉体的团聚现象得到很大的改善.
Based on the basic principle of carbothermal reduction reactions in the ZrO2-B2O3-C system, ultra-fine ZrB2-ZrC composite powders were synthesized by sol-gel method using zirconium oxychloride, boric acid and phenolic resin as sources of zirconia, boron oxide and carbon, respectively. Thermodynamic change process, phase compositions, crystallite size and morphology of the synthesized powders were characterized by thermogravimetry-differential thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope. The results show that ZrB2 and ZrC phases form at 1300℃. The carbothermal reduction reactions are completely finished when calcined at 1500℃ for 1h. The average crystallite size and specific surface area are about 200nm and 87m2/g, respectively. The agglomeration phenomenon is improved by adding 1.0wt% polyethylene glycol.
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