为改善MgCuZn铁氧体的低温烧结特性并提高其软磁性能, 采用传统氧化物法制备MgCuZn铁氧体材料, 研究了Bi-Mo复合掺杂对其烧结特性和软磁性能的影响. 结果表明: 复合掺杂Bi2 O3和MoO3适量时(分别为0.6wt%和0.1wt%), 在较低的烧结温度(1020℃)就能获得较高的烧结密度(<4.75g/cm3), 起始磁导率可达1240, 且具有较高的品质因数(100kHz下为33.8). 通过主成分优选、有效的掺杂技术及工艺条件可以提高MgCuZn铁氧体的综合性能, 使其可应用于多层片式电感中.
MgCuZn ferrites were fabricated by the traditional oxide-sintering method to explore the way to improve their sintering characteristics and soft magnetic properties. Effect of Bi and Mo co-doping on magnetic performances of MgCuZn ferrites with lower sintering temperature and high initial permeability was discussed. Results show that the density is larger than 4.75g/cm3 for the MgCoZn ferrite sintered at 1020℃with moderate quantity of Bi and Mo doping(0.6wt% and 0.1wt%, respectively), initial permeability is as large as 1240 and quality factor is as high as 33.8 at 100kHz, respectively. Thus, MgCuZn ferrite may be used in multilayer chip inductor by appropriate constituents, doping and preparing technology.
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