采用泡沫浸渍法制备了多孔硅酸钙(CS)和β-磷酸三钙(β-TCP)生物陶瓷材料, 将其植入家兔皮下筋膜组织中以研究其非骨性环境下的生物学行为. CS, β-TCP分别植入1、2、4周后取材, 采用SPECT、Micro-CT、V-G染色、SEM、EDX等方法进行样品的观察分析. 研究表明, 多孔硅酸钙生物陶瓷植入后未见明显毒性反应、且表面沉积了一层类骨羟基磷灰石层, 说明材料具有良好的生物相容性和生物活性. 植入4周时SPECT扫描表明, CS和β-TCP的ROI值分别为53.95±15.14和9.81±3.64(p<0.01), 表明CS的血管化程度明显高于β-TCP. 植入4周时Micro-CT分析表明, CS和β-TCP的残余材料占总体积百分比分别为(16.41±1.96)%和(30.72±0.69)%(p<0.05), 组织学半定量分析也表明, CS的残余面积明显小于β-TCP(p<0.01), 说明CS的降解性明显优于β-TCP. 与β-磷酸三钙相比较, 多孔硅酸钙陶瓷材料在早期血管化、新生组织形成、材料降解性方面均具有明显优势. 研究结果显示, 多孔硅酸钙生物陶瓷有望用作硬组织修复和组织工程用支架材料.
Porous calcium silicate (CS) and β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) bioceramics were obtained by sintering polymeric sponges infiltrated with ceramic slurry. They were implanted in rabbit subcutaneous sites and the biological characteristics were investigated. After 1, 2 and 4 weeks implantation, specimens were harvested and analyzed by SPECT, Von Gieson staining, Micro-CT, SEM and EDX. There is no obvious toxic reaction in porous CS ceramics, showing the excellent biocompatibility of CS ceramics. In SPECT scanning, the ROI of CS and β-TCP is (53.95±15.14) and (9.81±3.64), respectively (p<0.01), showing higher vascularization for CS. In Micro-CT analysis, the percentage of residual material volume fraction of CS and β-TCP after 4 weeks implantation is 16.41%±1.96% and 30.72%±0.69% respectively (p<0.01). In semi-quantitative analysis of histological observation, the percentage of residual material in CS is obviously lower than that in β-TCP. These results show that the biodegradation of CS is higher than that of β-TCP. The deposition of the bone-like hydroxyapatite layer after 2 week implantation show good bioactivity of CS in vivo. In conclusion, compared with β-TCP, porous CS bioceramics have superiority in vascularization, ingrowth of new tissue and degradation in early stage. Therefore, porous CS bioceramics may be potential candidates as biocompatible, bioactive and biodegradable scaffolds for hard tissue repair and tissue engineering applications.
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