
汽相转化法制备无粘结剂小晶粒 ZSM-5沸石

  • 王德举 ,
  • 刘仲能 ,
  • 谢在库
  • 中国石油化工股份有限公司上海石油化工研究院, 上海 201208

收稿日期: 2007-06-17

  修回日期: 2007-08-15

  网络出版日期: 2008-05-20

Preparation of Binder-free Utrafine ZSM-5 Zeolite Monoliths by Vapor-phase Transformation Method

  • WANG De-Ju ,
  • LIU Zhong-Neng ,
  • XIE Zai-Ku
  • Shanghai Research Institute of Petrochemical Technology, China Petroleum \& Chemical Corporation, Shanghai 201208, China

Received date: 2007-06-17

  Revised date: 2007-08-15

  Online published: 2008-05-20


以硅藻土为原料, 混合部分硅溶胶与少量晶种导向剂进行成型, 然后进行汽相转化, 制备了无粘结剂小晶粒ZSM-5沸石. 晶种导向剂中的沸石微晶和结构单元诱导硅铝原料转化为交错生长的ZSM-5沸石, 导致无粘结剂沸石的生成.产物的表征结果表明, 制备的无粘结剂小晶粒ZSM-5成型沸石具有丰富的孔结构,较大的比表面以及较高的机械强度, 酸性质可调, 可用作催化材料或吸附剂.


王德举 , 刘仲能 , 谢在库 . 汽相转化法制备无粘结剂小晶粒 ZSM-5沸石[J]. 无机材料学报, 2008 , 23(3) : 592 -596 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2008.00592


Using vapor-phase transformation method, binder-free monoliths of ultrafine ZSM-5 zeolite crystals were prepared by conversion of the preformed bodies of diatomite and silica sol, which mixed with some zeolite seeding directors. The tiny zeolite crystals and units in the seeding directors inducted the conversion of the alumino-silicalite raw materials into intergrown ZSM-5 zeolites, which resulted in binder-free zeolite monoliths. The prepared materials possess enriched porosity, high surface area, good mechanical strength and tunable acidity which can be verified by the characterization. The products have promising applications in catalyst and adsorbent.


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