以NiSO4·6H2O为反应原料, 采用液相沉淀法制备了Ni 2+掺杂的V2O5正极材料, 利用SEM、XRD、恒电流充放电、循环伏安和交流阻抗测试对反应产物的微观形貌、相结构及电化学性能进行了研究. 结果表明: 掺杂少量Ni 2+对V2O5的晶型结构及表观形貌产生一定的影响, 有利于降低V2O5的电荷转移电阻; 随着Ni 2+掺杂量的增加, 电化学电容器的比能量增大, 当掺Ni 2+2.5%时比能量为15.6 Wh·kg-1, 库仑效率达95.12%.
Ni 2+ -doped V 2 O 5 cathode materials were synthesized by liquid deposition process with NiSO4·6H2O as dopant. The effects of Ni 2+ on the physical and chemical properties of the target compounds were investigated. The material structure, microphology and grain sizes were characterized by XRD and SEM. Galvanostatic method and AC impedance were used to measure the electrochemical performance of the material. The results show that the Ni 2+ doping affects the product structure slightly, and it is helpful to reduce the impedance of charge transfer in V2O5. With the increase of doping content, the capacitor specific energy increases. With the 2.5% Ni 2+ doping content, the highest specific energy of the capacitor is up to 15.6Wh·kg-1 and coulomb efficiency is 95.12%.
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