以Bi(NO3)3、NH4VO3和H2PtCl6为原料, 采用浸渍法制备了新型复合光催化剂Pt/BiVO4,
并利用XRD、SEM、XPS和DRS等手段对其进行了表征. 结果表明: Pt/BiVO4光催化剂为单斜相结构, 复合光催化剂在可见光区的吸收增强, 吸收带边红移到了红光区. 在λ>400nm的可见光照射下, 以甲基橙的光催化降解为模型反应, 研究了该新型光催化剂的光催化活性, 结果发现: 与纯BiVO4样品相比, Pt/BiVO4复合样品的光催化活性大幅提高. 该新型光催化剂具有高活性的原因可能是PtCl4颗粒的光敏化作用造成的.
Novel Pt/BiVO4 photocatalysts were prepared by impregnation method using Bi(NO3)3, NH4VO3 and H2 PtCl6 as starting materials. The obtained samples were characterized by XRD, SEM, XPS and DRS. The XRD patterns indicate that the Pt/BiVO4 photocatalysts consist of monoclinic phase. The DRS measurements show that the visible light absorption of the composite samples is greatly increased, and the absorption edge shifts to red light region. The photocatalytic activities were evaluated by degradation of methyl orange under visible light irradiation (λ>400nm). The photocatalytic activity of the Pt/BiVO4 composite sample is significautly enhanced, which is probably due to the photo-sensitivity of PtCl4 particles.
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