采用化学气相沉积法制备微螺旋炭纤维, 在氩气气氛, 2500℃下对其进行石墨化处理. 通过扫描电镜, 激光拉曼光谱和X射线晶体衍射对石墨化前后微螺旋炭纤维的形貌与微观结构进行了研究, 并初步探讨了石墨化机理. 结果表明: 石墨化处理对微螺旋炭纤维具有显著的纯化作用, 其螺旋形貌基本保持不变. 微观结构更加规整, 微螺旋炭纤维的晶面层间距d002(0.3626~0.3378nm)减小, 晶粒尺寸Lc(1.6404~3.8590nm)和La(2.04~7.21nm)增大, 石墨化程度增强.
Micro-coiled carbon fibers were prepared by a catalytic chemical vapor deposition method, and treated in an argon atmosphere at 2500℃. Scanning electron microscope (SEM), Raman spectroscope and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were performed to characterize morphologies and microstructures of the non-graphitizated and graphitizated micro-coiled carbon fibers, and graphitization mechanism was discussed preliminarily. The results reveal that micro-coiled carbon fibers are purified prominently, morphologies of micro-coiled carbon fibers is similiar to the original fibers, and microstructures of micro-coiled carbon fibers are more regular after the graphitization treatment. The interlayer spacing d002 (0.3626--0.3378nm) decreases,
graphitization degree, Lc, mean size of crystal in the c-direction(1.6404--3.8590nm) and La, mean size of crystal in the a-direction(2.04--7.21nm) increase.
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