以原位沉积法为基础, 采用水热处理法制备羟基磷灰石(HA)/壳聚糖(CS)杂化材料, 以解决HA在CS基体中分布不均和结合不紧密的问题. 研究表明, 通过水热处理后所得到的杂化材料是由CS分子和低结晶度的HA晶体所组成. 其中HA的晶体尺寸为纳米级, 均匀分布在CS分子中. 而且杂化材料中的HA和CS都出现沿C轴方向的择优生长. 同时还发现, 在所得杂化材料中的HA晶体与CS分子出现了较强的化学键合作用, 且这种化学键合作用的强度随水热处理温度的升高而增强, 其中当水热处理温度为100℃时,这种化学键合作用达到最强.
In order to solve the uneven distribution of hydroxyapatite (HA) crystals in chitosan (CS) matrix and the weak bonding between HA crystals and CS molecules in HA/CS hybrids, the hydrothermal treatment technology and in~ situ precipitation method were employed to prepare nano-HA/CS hybrids. The obtained samples were characterized by scanning electronic microscope (SEM), Fourier Transmission Infrared Spectrometer (FT-IR), X-ray diffractometer (XRD) and Thermogravimeter (TG). The results show that the obtained hybrids prepared in the different hydrothermal condition are composed of CS crystals and low-crystallinity nano-HA crystals. And the CS and HA crystals in the hybrids have the trend of growing along C axis. Moreover, a strong bonding between the CS molecules and HA crystalline is formed in the hybrids and the bonding strength increases with increasing hydrothermal treatment temperature. When the hydrothermal treatment temperature is up to 100℃, the bonding strength reaches the maximum.
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