采用均相沉淀法合成了颗粒尺寸较小的Al代Ni(OH)2, 并对Al代Ni(OH)2粉末的微观形貌、晶体结构、化学组成及高温电化学性能进行了研究. 结果表明, 实验制备的Al代Ni(OH)2属于稳态α型结构, 微观颗粒由纳米级纤维束组成, 其化学式可表示为Ni0.70Al0.18(OH)1.6(CO3)0.1(SO4)0.07·(H2O)0.6, 在MH-Ni电池中制备的正极具有较好的高温充电效率和循环性能, 60℃时的析氧电位较高, 放电容量比25℃仅衰减15mAh/g, 晶型结构稳定, 60℃循环95次后仍保持以α相为主的晶态结构.
The purpose of this study was to explore the synthesis of finer Al-substituted Ni(OH)2 particles by means of homogeneous precipitation method and to investigate its’ micro-morphology, crystal structure, chemical composition and electrochemical performance at high temperature. The results show that a stabilized α-phase is obtained for the experimental substance and the particles are spherical agglomerates of fibrous nanometer scale crystallites. The approximate chemical composition of the product can be described as Ni0.70Al0.18(OH)1.6(CO3)0.1(SO4)0.07·(H2O)0.6. In the experimental MH-Ni batteries, Al-substituted Ni(OH)2 anode displays high charging efficiency and good cyclic stability with comparatively high oxygen evolution potential at 60℃. Compared with the behavior at 25℃, its discharging capacity at 60℃ is decreased by 15mAh/g. Moreover, after electrochemically cycled at 60℃ for 95 times, the structure of Al-substituted Ni(OH)2 remains mainly α phase, showing good structural stability.
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