采用水热法, 使用层状钛酸盐纳米管和乙酸锶作为前驱物, 在一定反应温度和时间的条件下, 制备了SrTiO3纳米粒子. 采用X射线粉末衍射(XRD), 扫描电镜(SEM), 透射电镜(TEM), 拉曼光谱(Raman), 激发光谱(PL)和比表面积分析等测试技术对SrTiO3纳米粒子进行了表征. 测试结果表明, 只有在反应条件和反应前驱物配比适当时才能制备得到纯的无序多孔SrTiO3纳米粒子, 粒径主要分布在10~30nm之间, 无明显团聚现象; 随着反应时间的延长或者反应温度的升高, 粒径趋于增大, 而比表面积趋于减小, 对亚甲基蓝在紫外光照下的光降解活性也随之降低.
A series of nanoparticle SrTiO3 samples were simply synthesized by hydrothermal method using layered titanate nanotube and Sr(Ac)2 as precursors. The samples were characterized by using powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), photoluminescence (PL), Raman spectroscope and specific surface area measurement. The measurement results show that the diameter distribution of prepared SrTiO3 nanoparticles with disordered pores is mainly in the range of 10--30nm, and with the increase of reaction temperature or reaction time, diameter of the nanoparticles increases, whereas specific surface area and photocatalytic activity for degradation of methylene blue decrease.
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