X射线衍射(XRD)实验发现密堆六方纳米ZnO的hk0、h-k=3n的衍射线, 仅存在微晶宽化, 而h-k=3n±1的衍射线, 无l=偶数、l=奇数的层错选择宽化效应. 为了表征这种纳米ZnO的晶粒大小和层错几率, 提出了分解纳米ZnO微晶-层错二重宽化效应的最小二乘法. 计算结果表明: 密堆六方纳米ZnO的晶粒大小和层错几率与制备方法、原料配比等有关.
The X-ray diffraction (XRD) tests showed that the diffraction lines of hk0, h-k=3n in the hexagonal closed packing structured (HCPS) ZnO appeared only crystallite broadening effect. The two-fold broadening effects of crystallite-fault could be observed in the diffraction lines of h-k=3n±1, yet the selective broadening was not obvious. In this study, the least square method for separating twofold broadening effect of crystallite-fault were proposed and used to characterize the average crystallite size and stacking faults probability of HCPS ZnO. The results show that the average crystallite size and stacking faults probability are related with the preparation methods and the stoichiometric ratio of ZnO.
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