通过在富Te环境下生长In掺杂CdZnTe晶体, 实验研究了不同掺In量对晶体电学性能的影响, 重点讨论了不同掺In量与晶体电阻率、载流子浓度及迁移率之间的关系. 并对CdZnTe晶体中In掺杂的补偿机理进行了分析探讨. 结果表明, 当In掺杂量为5×1017cm-3时, 得到了电阻率达1.89×1010Ω· cm的高阻CdZnTe晶体.
CdZnTe crystal was grown with different In dopant concentration in excess Te atmosphere. The relation between In dopant concentration and resistivity, carrier concentration, mobility of the CdZnTe crystal was investigated. In addition, In-doped compensation mechanism in CdZnTe crystal was also discussed. Results show that the high resistivity of CdZnTe crystal obtained is 1.89×1010Ω· cm when the In dopant concentration is at the level of 5×1017cm-3.
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