以离子液体1-十六烷基-3-甲基溴代咪唑([C16mim]+Br-)为模板剂合成了含铁介孔分子筛Fe-MCM-41,并对其结构和形态进行了表征. 研究结果表明, 用该方法合成的Fe-MCM-41不仅具有比较大的比表面积, 规则的介孔孔道结构等特征, 而且形成了双孔道结构. UV-Vis和EPR 顺磁共振的表征结果表明, 采用离子液体[C16mim]+Br-为模板剂所合成的Fe-MCM-41介孔分子筛, 铁物种能稳定地存在于介孔分子筛骨架中.
Mesoporous Fe-MCM-41 materials were synthesized by using ionic liquid 1-cethyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide [C16mim]+Br-) as template at room temperature and characterized by X-ray diffraction, N2 adsorption-desorption, FT-IR, EPR, UV-Vis. Results show that these mesoporous materials possess high surface area. The pore size distributions of Fe-MCM-41 show that there are two types mesoporous. Part of iron atom still retain in the framework after removal of the template by calcination except those transferring to the wall surface. Fe species on wall surface are of high dispersion. This indicates that stable framework-iron containing mesoporous molecular sieves Fe-MCM-41 can be successfully synthesized.
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